Our Premier Psychiatric & Addiction Treatment Programs

At Longleaf Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana, we are proud to provide a comprehensive continuum of services in order to serve a wide range of individuals and families whose lives have been affected by mental and behavioral health issues.

The Admission Process

Prior to starting treatment, each person who heals at our center will first complete a thorough assessment so that we can identify all of the issues that have been preventing him or her from living a healthier and more satisfying life. The information that is collected during this assessment will form the basis of the personalized treatment plan that will guide the individual’s progress throughout his or her time with us.

Treatment at Longleaf is further customized by placing individuals into programs based on their age and/or the disorder that brought them to our center. These focused programs ensure that individuals receive the type and level of care that is most appropriate for their developmental stage and that will be most effective at addressing the issues and challenges with which they have been struggling.


Young people ages 13 to 17 who heal at Longleaf work with compassionate professionals in an environment that has been specifically designed for children and adolescents. Programming in this residential unit includes an array of innovative and dynamic therapeutic activities and includes a significant emphasis on family-focused solutions.

Parents are permitted and encouraged to visit their sons and daughters every day while they are in this program, and our therapists and counselors work closely to help all family members make the changes that will strengthen them as a unit and best support the continued recovery of the young person who is receiving treatment.

Adult Mental Health

Men and women ages 18 and above who have been experiencing mental health disorders can participate in comprehensive residential programming that features daily meetings with a physician, 24/7 nursing care, and a variety of therapeutic activities.

Adult programming at Longleaf is provided in a safe and closely supervised environment. All participants work with an individual therapist throughout their time in the program and also participate in multiple forms of group therapy, including process groups, goal-setting groups, educational groups, and activity groups. Family therapy for adults is provided on an as-needed basis.

Adult Chemical Dependency

Men and women ages 18 and above who have been struggling with addiction receive comprehensive residential treatment at Longleaf in a specialized program that is focused on helping them to achieve long-term sobriety and learn how to live a productive life free from the constraints and limitations of substance abuse.

Adults who have been incapable of ending their substance abuse prior to entering treatment at Longleaf may also complete detox services prior to fully engaging in the chemical dependency program. Our monitored detox program employs both therapeutic support and, when appropriate, certain medications in order to maintain comfort and safety while participants successfully rid their bodies of addictive substances. Upon completing detox, participants can transition directly into the residential chemical dependency program.

Outpatient Treatment

Adults who can benefit from step-down support following the completion of residential programming, or whose needs are not acute enough to warrant residential care, may be best served by our partial hospitalization program (PHP) and/or our intensive outpatient program (IOP).

PHP and IOP provide therapeutic treatment services and professional guidance for limited hours during the day, after which participants return home or to an offsite residence that can be arranged through the program. Receiving treatment at the PHP and/or IOP levels can provide men and women with an ideal balance of independent living and structured support as they establish a strong foothold in early recovery.

Learn More Today

For additional information about the types and levels of care that are available at Longleaf Hospital, or for answers to any questions that you may have about any aspect of our programming, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. A friendly and knowledgeable member of our team is available to speak with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We look forward to helping you decide if Longleaf Hospital in Alexandria, LA, is the perfect place for you or your loved one.

Longleaf Hospital has really helped me and gave me a new chance at life. And I am so thankful for that.

– Anonymous Patient
Marks of Quality Care
  • Louisiana Hospital Association (LHA)
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval

Longleaf Will Be Open 24/7 During Mardi Gras!